So much to be thankful for !

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About Us

I believe God has called us to be a church that reflects the glory and kingdom of God in this earth, a church that moves beyond the boundaries of culture and status. We are to be passionate worshippers who tap into the rich blessings that come from intimacy with God.

SAMSUNGToday, more than ever, Christ’s churches  must become a community that displays the power of God’s love to form, sustain, and bless the diversities of people who gather in His name. Accordingly not only Adonai Worship Center passionate about continuing  the legacy of empowering people everyday to be  like Christ, we also desire our church to share the wealth of its traditions with people from all walks of life – from every tongue, tribe, and nation.

If God is giving you a heart that longs to be stretched above the norm, to love and live outside of your comfort zone, so that you can share in all the riches of Christ with those millions and thousand of people around the world, then you already share a big  part of  God’s heart and vision. What we are doing here in West-Timor Indonesia is part of the huge calling of God to reaching out to those dying Souls, if you have change to visit us some times to experiencing by seeing what God is doing here in our ministry, we will appreciated to have you visiting us to West-Timor Indonesia. Not only that but word of encouragement  and advice to this ministry work as well will  be very much appreciated. further then that we may have mutual ministry schedule and explore in ministry.

Vision & Values

Adonai Church

Adonai Church


Our vision is to provide the path-way to mobilize every believer and member of Adonai Worship Center to be involved in four things:

  1. Winning Souls :: We believe every born again believer is empowered through the baptism of the Holy Ghost to be witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ and win souls — preach the  good news about God’s love and forgiveness to those around us.
  2. Serving Others :: We believe every church member is an integral part of the Body of Christ with gifts and abilities that need to be released into fruitful and effective ministry — by choosing a place of productive service in the church.
  3. Fellowshipping Together :: We believe every growing Christian should be in a healthy spirit-filled enriching environment where fellowship and friendship can be cultivated and practiced.
  4. Growing to Maturity :: We believe every Christian must daily pursue Godly character growing in the faith and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  • Evangelism: (External – Souls) Matthew 5:13-16 :: To be a church outside the walls, and a magnet to the un-churched; being relevant in our community, city, country, and to courageously engage the world and world events.
  • Community: (Internal) Romans 12:10-13 :: To be a passionate, caring, connected and confessing fellowship of believers, who walk in love, affirming one another and meeting needs.
  • Generations: (continuity) Proverbs 13:22 :: To actively connect the next generation as a vital and functioning part of the ministry, building on experiences and passing on a foundation of active faith rooted in God’s WORD.
  • Culture: (environment) Acts 2:40-47 :: To cultivate an irresistible atmosphere influenced by the SPIRIT, that engages the membership, fosters openness, appreciates diversity, values change, and brings all to holistic growth and spiritual maturity.
  • Biblical Principles: (conduct) Ephesians 4:14-16 :: To be a people full of prayer and faith, passionate to do and pursue all of the WORD so that private lives reflect public services.
  • Leadership: (example) 1 Peter 5:1-5 :: To cultivate servant leadership that models biblical examples, possess vision, and a commitment to be accountable to God, the Church, and the People.
  • Church Characteristics: (behavior) Acts 13:31-37 :: To be a church where the soil is rich, the people are liberal and giving; where ministries are relevant and functioning; a church that reflects all the distinctive attributes of the New Testament Church in belief, behavior, and demonstration.

Mission Statement

SAMSUNGAdonai Worship Center is a WORD-centered church commissioned to impact and empower believers with the total counsel of God, through FAITH, In the WORD and by the power of God with PRAYER. To demonstrate all the characteristics of a 21st Century New Testament Church in fulfilling the call to be witnesses and make disciples. To be the salt and light to the world by which all are drawn.

We believe in supporting mission.

The local Church must be vision bearers to extend the Kingdom of God in this part of the world. God has given us the mandate to take all the necessary steps to extend the work in the particular areas that we are serving Him. Adonai Worship Center has is doing fundraising here to support the pastors in the remote parts of West-Timor, we are currently building a pastor’s house and we support one family with financial support every month from our local church. We have a big vision and dreams of local mission here in West Timor, we want to reach as many as possible but we are actually a really small church with a poor congregation. We would love to do more but we don’t have the financial resources.


Humble Beginnings

DCIM100MEDIASince the year 1992, in Papua New Guinea,  I had the call of God in my life to be a missionary. With that eagerness I humbly trained with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in the year 2000 and I prayed for a country for my sending.  Like it says in Matthew 28.18-20 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit”.

Praise God, by his grace I came to know that my mission field would be Indonesia. So at the  end of  the year 2000 I travelled to Indonesia and arrived in the West-Timor capital Kupang.  In that area there were a missionaries from the USA: Ken and Rayma Tracy. I worked under their ministry, most of the time we travelled village to village preaching the gospel. I had problems with my Indonesian language and during my prayer time I asked God if this was was his will and if he would confirm to me to me this by giving me Bahasa Indonesia – the language of Indonesia. More of my testimony >>


In 2006 I was in the USA for my study and the Lord spoke to me  about church planting in Indonesia, I decided to return to Indonesia in the end of 2006 and from 2007 I started gathering friends and built a strong relationship with the local people in West Timor.

In the middle of the 2007 I  start a cell church in the house of one of the families, I saw God move through signs and wonders, miracles were taking place in my ministry and we were baptising many new converts. This really confirmed the call of God on my lives to be a missionary overseas and particularly here in Indonesia; the largest Muslim nation.

PS JULIUS, IKA AND CHRISTY In 2008 I proposed to my wife Pastor Ika Hekboy and we decided to be married on Sept 5th 2008. My amazing wife helps me with the vision that God has put in my heart reach as many souls as possible and build his kingdom. We now have two little girls.

In 2009, we rented a house from where my wife and I started a house church. Since then many people have come to fellowship with us.  The average number of people who came was at one point 150 people and their children. This indicated to us that we should plant a local church in the years to come.

At the end of 2009 We were called by the leaders of the Assemblies Of God in the region and they handed us the land for us to start the church. In 2010 we started Adonai Worship Center.

The building is tiny but we are slowly building a bigger building  whenever the funds is available.


DCIM100MEDIAAdonai Worship Center LEADERSHIP invites you to be part of the work God is doing here. If you have the heart for the West Timor Indonesian people and want to support the Church growth here, we would like to build a relationship with you in terms of  ministry there are so many ways in which you can help this missions ministry. We would love to host you a ministry when you are plan to visit us in the near future. if you felt God’s called you to come and visit and get involved in ministry Please contact us >>






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